As some of you may (or may not) know, I’m in the process of turning The Necro Nom-nom-nomicon into a cookbook and am actively looking for a publisher. That means building a proposal and sending it out to potential publishers and agents in the hopes that someone will pick it up.
Unfortunately, not everything is as easy as we’d hoped it would be (the devil’s in the details, right?) and that means a number of rejection letters have been rolling into my inbox.
Now normally, I’m all for hellfire and terror when people disagree with me, but I have to say, these rejection letters have been just so — nice — that I’ve decided to share a few with you here.
Why am I sharing them?!
First off, because like I said, they’re nice — and secondly, because I’m not about to stop doing what I’m doing and it’s oddly reassuring and ego boosting to have all these people telling me “Hey, you’re pretty awesome. You’re not right for us, but don’t let that hold you back.”
Finally, I guess, for as much as I love to spread hate and discontent among the masses, I’ve got a small sliver of compassion in me for humanity and want to show others who might be in the same position that we all get knocked down at times and the best way to prove someone wrong is to, well, prove them wrong and succeed. No, I’m not giving up on my book…we’re looking at alternatives to traditional publishing (Kickstarter and IndieGoGo are our top choices so far) and trying to think outside the coffin, er, box…
So, without further ado…
The Devil’s Rejects
Rejection #1:
Thank you so much for thinking of us and sending this. I have to pass, but I also just want to say that I sort of love it. Your recipes look AMAZING. That Death by Chocolate cake scared me witless for a few minutes. I’m passing because I’m not sure I could successfully position it on our list and in our sales channels, not because it isn’t awesome. I hope you find a great home for it!
Rejection #2:
Your query letter for The Necro-Nom-Nom-Nomicon was fantastic and funny, and I am so taken with your blog and creations. As much as I would love to sign you up as a client and sell your cookbook to a publisher, the market of late has been incredibly tough and many editors are taking a step back from acquiring niche cookbooks in such a crowded market. I wish this were not the case because I think this book would have a lot of fans, including my friends at the Morbid Anatomy Museum in Brooklyn (if you have not been, it’s definitely worth visiting!).
I am sorry not to have better news on this but publishing trends are cyclical so hopefully there could be a market for your title in the coming months. My advice is to keep posting to your blog (and Instagram if you’re not already doing so) and please stay in touch.
Rejection #3:
Thanks so much for your query! I’m flattered that you chose to share this with me, and grateful for the chance to consider your work. Unfortunately, I’m not quite connecting with this particular project. I do hope you will try me again with future work if you don’t find representation for this one.
Rejection #4:
Thank you for your email query. Although it certainly has potential for success, it does not appear your cookbook is right for this Agency. We pass and wish you better luck in placing your work with an agent who will make us look shortsighted.
So there you have it. Sure, it’s just four rejection letters so far…I’m sure there are more to come, but for now, this is what I’ve got. Again, like I said, they’re so oddly encouraging…so guess we’ll just have to keep pushing onward.
Until then, I’m having a glass of wine, whipping up some silkworm pasta, and licking my wounds for a bit before charging back in.
Bone Appetite!
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Decca turned down the Beatles and J.K. Rowling got enough rejections letters to paper her bathroom so you are in good company!
Ha ha! I keep telling myself that very thing! Thank you for the kind words. I’m not giving up yet!!!
Your recipes, imagination and creativity are to be highly commended! Wonderful!
Thank you so much! Keep watching…we’re getting close to my favorite holiday which means even more fun recipes!