We’ve already talked about my deep love for bats in my Necro-craft post, “Easy to Make Lunar Bat Lanterns” so I won’t bore you by waxing poetically here yet again.
I will, however, continue to share my love for my favorite flying mammals by inflicting upon you this fun bat-themed orange and chocolate cupcake recipe. And not only are these cupcakes adorable, but they’re filled with sweet gooey orange jelly, which makes them even better!
The whole project started when I was out the other day and came across these ridiculously adorable stickers from Jolee’s Boutique. They’re made from a heavy duty plastic and have raised features…perfect for molding!
I brought them home and decided the easiest way to mold them was to use my two part food safe (very important) Amazing Mold Putty.
The first thing I did was give my bat sticker a good wash with soap and water. Then I pressed it into the molding putty and let it set per the instructions. Less than ten minutes later I had a perfect mold!
Because I wanted to highlight the skeletal structure just like thicker, I started by first brushing on a coat of melted white chocolate. I made sure to thin down the wing membranes so the next layer would shine through. The rest of the areas where the bones were featured, I tried to keep thick with white.
Next came the milk chocolate layer. Because I was using the milk chocolate to provide structure as well as color, I flooded the rest of the mold with it and then leveled it off using a spatula.
I put the whole thing into the freezer for about 2 minutes to firm up and then popped out my first bat!
Sweet chocolatey success!
Satisfied, I started making more… I may have gotten carried away…
Next, it’s time to make our cupcakes.
For this recipe you will need:
- 1 Box orange cupcake mix
- 2 Boxes orange Jell-O mix
- 1 Cup orange juice
- 1 Can chocolate frosting
- Black food coloring
- Orange or yellow sugar sprinkles
The first part is easy. Just get a regular box of orange cupcake mix. Mix up according to the box recipe. Now here’s where we get all fancy. Add in 1 box of orange flavored Jell-O mix. Just the powder. Don’t add any extra water…just the mix.
Mmm…nice and orange-y.
Using a standard muffin tin, bake according to the directions.
While the cupcakes are baking and cooling, we’ll make the jelly filling…
In a small pot, bring your 1 cup of orange juice up to a boil.
Add in your remaining box of orange Jell-O and cook until all the Jell-o is dissolved.
Transfer to a shallow dish and place in the fridge to cool down.
While your Jell-o and cupcakes are cooling down, mix a few drops of black food coloring into your frosting until you achieve the color you like. An easy way to get this done is to scoop your frosting into a stand mixer and use the whisk attachment. Not only does it incorporate the color more quickly, but you also whip in a bit of air and can increase the amount of frosting you have for your cupcakes! Neat!
When your cupcakes are cool, carefully carve out the center and fill with a scoop of your orange jelly.
Seal your jelly in using a bit of your carved out cupcake. Next, frost each cupcake with your whipped up black frosting. Carefully place a chocolate bat on each cupcake and sprinkle with a light dusting of orange or yellow sprinkles.
Bone appetite!
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Dang, your creativity never ceases to amaze! These are seriously so cute! 🙂
Aww thank you!