Hello, loyal minions! It’s been just over a year now and the Nom has truly exploded in ways I never thought possible. In our relatively short time together I’ve published over 75 recipes and tutorials, had the website viewed over 93,000 times and somehow managed to convince 1,100 of you to subscribe (and for that, I’m eternally grateful.)
You guys have helped shape the direction of the Nom by requesting specific recipes and themes, participated in two giveaways (more to come!) and been introduced to Lucifur, the Lord of Barkness.
It’s been a busy year!
Celebrating a year also means looking ahead…and finding out what works for you, my loyal friends and followers.
Would you guys like tutorial videos or are you happy with how things are right now? Also, any specific recipes or ideas you guys would like to see get made? I’d really love to step up the involvement this year and bring you all into the decision making process. Tell me what you like and love and we’ll make more of that happen!
So please, take a minute and comment down below.
How can the Nom improve?
Videos would be awesome, so would seeing more drink recipes. Please and thank you!
I agree 100% on more drinks! Let’s get some boo-zy fun going! And since you’re suggesting it…any drink in particular you’d like to see creeped up?
just my .$0.02
Videos and more Purr-fectly disgusting food/drink recipies would be great
I’d also like to suggest maybe starting a section for a “user generated list of equally rancid Halloween DIY/decor or just one’s go to store/supply places for gore and fright and everyday Halloween related nonsense”
Hmm…that’s a really good idea but I’ll have to figure out exactly how to do it with my current blog platform. I think for right now I’d have to set it up as a separate page and open it for comments… Hmm…this will take a bit of thinking but I really like the idea!
just a stray thought,
as I’ve spent the better part of a disqusting afternoon trying to find LED related halloween and related house decor and finding nothing but cheezy refuse and other seasonal themed light bulbs like the city public works dept puts up at Xmas
I mean just a few days ago I saw a video for neat custom LED back splash for one’s kitchen sink
but would like to find something that would be like making the wall bleed or maybe the other freakish optical illusions
okay, now you have me thinking on some stuff. Let me see what I can find. Not sure I could do LED backsplashes, but let me do a little digging…
Videos would be awesome! Another excellent way to showcase the beautiful (and devilishly delicious!) work you do!
Aww.. Thank you!!!
Ooh, videos would be awesome! 😀
Would love to see some videos as well! Love all the stuff you create and seeing it in motion would be perfect!
Gonna get a camera setup figured out and see what we can come up with!
I’d say no on the videos just because so many other people offer them already and there is no need to be competitive when what you’re doing now is working for you. Just my two cents.
I agree that video means a lot more work in an already saturated market, so I’m playing around with them (videos) right now, but definitely going to focus and continue to work on solid tutorials for the blog and supplement them with video, but not move completely to video. 🙂