Exciting news everybody! The silicone skull mold I made the other day in the kitchen has turned out successfully and we’re one step closer to making my truly disgusting masterpiece a reality…but first, let’s test it out and make sure it does exactly what I want it to do.
So, when we left off I had the mold sitting in my room, curing.
(Sharp eyed observers will notice I am the proud owner of a copy of Christine McConnell’s deliciously imaginative book “Deceptive Desserts.” If you haven’t checked it out yet, you should. She’s an inspiration and certainly been motivation for me to put my own dark recipes online!)
Okay, free book plug out of the way now (Christine, if you ever read this…you’re pretty awesome!) let’s take a look at that mold a few hours later…
Technically you’re supposed to wait a full 24 hours before releasing your mold, but I’m impatient. Honestly, it’s a miracle I made it to 22 hours. Unfortunately in the process of making my mold, I had to sacrifice the Tupperware bin I used to contain all the silicone which is why there are scissors and a pile of chopped up plastic in the photo.
But enough about that…how did the mold turn out!??!
Tadaaa! The skull popped out beautifully and I was left with a perfect copy in reverse! There were a few thin spots I did go back over and fill in with a quick touch up of silicone to ensure no leaks, but for the most part, I’d say this was a full success!
So now what to do with it???
Let’s test it out!
I picked up a bag of off white Wilton’s Candy Melts from Michael’s for about $2.00 (I had a coupon for 40% off. Free on the app. Get the app…it’s so worth it!) and melted them down in the microwave in a bowl. Then I poured the melted candy into my mold (which I had lightly sprayed with baking spray first) and sloshed around until the entire mold was fairly evenly coated.
Then I tucked it into the freezer and waited about 10 minutes.
When I pulled it out of the freezer, the candy had again solidified and it easily popped out of the mold…leaving me with a perfect 1:1 scale fully edible candy melt white chocolate skull!
I used a table knife to clean up a few edges and trim down a bit of the over-pour, but the result was exactly what I was hoping for!
I mean, seriously…look at this thing! It’s perfect!!! And on top of that, I can make as many copies of this as I’d like!
Now the question remains…perfect for what!?!
You’ll just have to stay tuned for that answer!
Until then…
Bone appetite!
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*This post may contain affiliate links. Read my full disclosure here.
The Necro Nom-nom-nomicon is licensed under a Creative Common Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License. Based on a work at https://www.eatthedead.com. Any ideas/tutorials used or inspiring other projects/products must credit and link back to https://www.eatthedead.com
Looks amazing! You are unbelievably talented, and frighteningly humorous!!
Hey, I know you! Thank you! 🙂