Part of the fun of pulling together the Necro-nom-nom-nomicon is getting to test run new recipes…like this one…my first attempt of my vanilla and almond “Cherry Die Pie.”
I made it last night at the height of a wicked thunderstorm here in Spokane and delivered it first thing this morning to the Z-Nation cast and crew for an official taste test.
Overall consensus was…delicious! Every recipe I make gets a thorough testing (at least twice) before making the site as a full recipe, which means there are still a few tweaks to make on this dark dessert before I share the gooey gory how-to…but for now, here is a little sneak peek on an upcoming devilishly delicious treat!
As they say in Hell…
Bone appetite!
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Did you ever post the recipe?
Not yet. Working on refining it and need to make a few tweaks. Posting a Black and Blueberry pie this weekend!!!
Troy, thank you for being so patient. It took a while to get the recipe absolutely perfect (I had to find new victims, er, I mean taste testers) but it’s finally up! https://necronomiconblog.wordpress.com/2016/08/05/cherry-die-pie-2/