Every recipe I make is tested and tasted by multiple people to ensure that what I’m making isn’t just disgusting…it’s also delicious. When I finished up my Death by Chocolate Autopsy Cake I knew the best team to give it a serious once-over would be the very team that helped make it possible…and that team works at Reynold’s Advanced Materials in Los Angeles. Specifically the following individuals:
Tracy Nathan
Glenn Hansen
Sam McClellan
Alex Leon
Sascha Rost
Charles Jeske
and Eliot Milbourn, a talented colorist who doesn’t work for Reynolds, but happened to be shopping in there when I brought in the finished cake.
Not only did they brave my finished cake, but they helped me select the right materials to make the silicone mold I used for the skull (part 1 here, part 2 here)…so here they are, tasting, testing and thoroughly enjoying the cake they helped bring to life.
Thank you guys!
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