For lack of a better term, I’m just going to say that the Nom has had one HELL of a year. We’ve published over 200 blog posts, covering everything from recipes to crafts to product reviews and some random mayhem thrown in just for fun.
We’ve migrated through three different platforms and finally landed on Bluehost.com (for now), and in that time, managed to pick up along the way 6,500 crazy bastards who are now subscribed to our updates!
We’ve finally started the big move into including more video and I’m currently working on setting up a semi-permanent studio space where we can hopefully have this aspect of the site really take off.
We won Best Obsessive Blog for 2017 from Saveur magazine (huge thank you to everyone who voted for us) and are now proud members of the Samhain Society!
We also managed to average roughly one giveaway a month on our Facebook and Instagram account, helping to spread the word about other amazing Nom fans and sponsors like Virus Vodka, horror author Ron Chapman, Sourpuss Clothing, and Renova.
We wrote and published two Nom specific e-cook books and are also partnering with Red Duke Games in 2018 to bring you a massive Eldrich inspired tome full of tasty and creepy recipes!
We’ve also been able to connect with some of the most talented and amazing people I’ve ever come across, and I had the honor of highlighting some of them in this year’s Dark Arts & Crafts gift guide.
We also got some tough news this year when our favorite Lord of Barkness, Lucifur, was diagnosed with Lymphoma. It’s been rocky, with a rough start including a full spleen-ectomy and chemo which will take us into 2018, but she’s the toughest little demon I know, and doing amazingly well…and you guys have been so wonderful and generous with donations as well as cards and pictures and treats to help keep her spirit up!
Finally, our Facehugger roast went insanely viral and racked up over 719,000 views on Reddit.com, inspiring hundreds of people to make their own versions for both Thanksgiving and Christmas this year!
With all this insanity, we want to take a minute to slow down and say thank you to everyone who made this possible. I have an amazing team of family and friends behind me as well as an absolutely incredible support group through Patreon who have selflessly donated every month, helping to purchase supplies and ingredients as well as make it possible to do things like throw our hat in the ring for the Webbies (we’re still waiting to see how that turns out…fingers and hooves crossed!).
We have new sponsors (keep your eyes out for some killer honey coming in spring from ‘Till Death), new prize packs, and new mischief just waiting to happen!
In closing, here is a quick look back to our Top 10 of our most popular blog posts this year. We’re giving these guys one more go on the front page before moving on to all new adventures for 2018!
We also wanted to let everyone know we’re taking January off to catch our breath and really brainstorm on some fun new stuff for the coming year…so if your mailbox is a little less dark this month, or the blog seems a little quieter…don’t worry, we’re just getting started!
Happy 2018, team!! We’ll see you ALL in February!!!
1. Facehugger Roasted Chicken: This recipe got over 4 million views on Reddit.com and brought over 336,000 visitors to the Nom! Is it any wonder it’s our #1 post this year?
2. Brimstone Bread: This black and red bread is not just a Nom recipe, it’s a grand-prize winner over on the Instructables.com page for baking! It’s racked up over 17,333 views here on the Nom alone!
3. Facehugger Pudding cups: Aliens seem to be the popular theme with Nom fans, so it’s no surprise that the Alien Facehugger Fizzing Pudding Cups are coming in at #3 with 1,500 views!
4. Cocoa Spiders: Aliens might be high on our list of blog posts, but creepy still rules supreme! Case in point, our cocoa spiders stuffed full of mini-marshmallows!
5. Feast for the Beast: And what Hellbound blog would be complete without at least one feast for the beast platter?!
6. Evil Genius: Let’s get boo-zy with our number 6 spot and shake up an Evil Genius with glowing green tentacles!
7. Anubis Scorpion Pie: Sand in your shorts isn’t any fun, but sand in your pie is a delicious treat, especially when it’s spiked with jet black edible scorpions.
8. The Bone Collector: This cake is as tall as it is delicious and was my first attempt at a multi tiered project! I think it turned out pretty damn good…and tasted even better!
9. Truly Deviled Eggs: We got into the spring of things with this early season deviled egg recipe!
10. Key S-lime Pie: Last, but certainly not least, our Cthulu approved Key S-lime pie!